Welcome to this new area of the Breath website: the Breath Blog!
This is our first entry, which is dedicated to the current tense situation in Ukraine, one of our project countries.
THE BREATH BLOG: The situation in Ukraine - Part 1
The Breath Foundation is certainly not interested in being politically active, but we are very worried about the situation in Ukraine. Especially for our children and staff of our organization. We get a lot of questions about their situation. Our people and children are located in different regions in Ukraine and we want to explain how they feel and how they experience this extremely stressful situation. The information below comes from our staff and is their opinion.
Alexander Dreval. 52 years old.
Was born 15 11 1969 , Kharkov
Beginning 2006 Director of Breath Ukraine.
During the period of work in Breath Ukraine, many different projects were implemented in the social sphere for the protection of children in various regions of Ukraine, among which : medical, sports and creation 4 SGH with a family form of life.
At the moment, under the responsibility of the Breath Ukraine im our houses are 34 children in the western and eastern region of Ukraine. I currently live in Kharkov Ukraine